5 Tips for E-Mail Marketing Success
When it comes to lead generation & nurturing, establishing brand credibility, boosting sales, and increasing traffic to your website, few digital marketing channels offer as great of returns as e-mail marketing. How great are these returns?
According to Hubspot, email marketing generates an average return of $38 for every $1 spent. And with over 293 billion emails being sent & received each day, a well optimized & effective e-mail marketing strategy is absolutely critical in order to mitigate the possibility of your campaign being glanced over or worse – getting marked as spam.
Read below for Telescope Digital’s five quick tips proven to jump start your e-mail marketing prowess into high gear.
1. Quality Over Quantity
Lets face it – nobody likes seeing their inbox cluttered with junk mail that provides no real value. That is why crafting valuable content that provides your audience a reason to open – and continue opening your emails, is so important. A targeted, well-designed e-mail campaign is more likely to generate engagement while reducing the risk of losing important e-mail list subscribers.
Moreover, over-inundating your audience with constant e-mails can lead to your carefully constructed campaigns being marked as spam, thus violating regulations like the CAN-SPAM act or other terms of your e-mail service provider.
2. Introduce Enticing Calls-to-Action
Simply put, clicks turn into customers. Providing your email recipients with a clear, easy to see button that urges them to sign up, download, or learn more is a sure-fire way to generate leads that would otherwise disappear due to a missing or hard to find link.
3. Make E-Mails Mobile Friendly
According to Hubspot, 46 percent of all emails are opened on mobile devices like smart phones & tablets. In order to appeal to the broadest audience, your e-mail designs & templates must be mobile friendly. That means improperly sized images, hard to read copy, or missing CTA’s (calls-to-actions) could be costing you a pretty penny from lost sales.
4. Analyze, Test, Adapt
It’s no surprise that different audiences have varying preferences in what content they find valuable. With e-mail marketing, you are able to perform multivariate A/B tests on subject lines, send times, body copy, calls-to-action, and more to find which content resonates the most with your audience. Simple adjustments to the time of day your email is sent or including an emoji in the subject line can go a long way in boosting metrics like open-rates or click-through rates.
5. Keep E-Mails Looking Clean
When is the last time you acted on an e-mail that looked like a mid-90’s webpage? In today’s digital marketing landscape, the content you are providing to your audiences must be as visually-appealing as it is valuable. If someone was drawn to open your e-mail because of a catchy subject line or header, you want to do everything you can to keep their attention.
Utilizing bullet points or short paragraphs with enticing keywords, bold or italicized text, and easy to find CTA’s are good ways to make sure your readers attention stays on the e-mail. In addition, imagery should be used sparingly, since different e-mail providers can block images or consider them an indicator of spam.
Sending a well-crafted, valuable message to the right recipients has the potential to generate great results for your business. Whether you are trying to establish your brand as an industry expert, create new customers, or simply check-in with existing clientele, e-mail marketing is an incredibly powerful channel that can be integrated into all the other digital touch points of your business.
Interested in implementing e-mail marketing in your strategy? Schedule a free consultation with Telescope Digital to find out how we can help your business exceed goals.